Top 6 Tips for Choosing the Right Furniture for Your Home

Whether it’s moving to a new home or making a furniture change in the current house, choosing furniture has always been a big deal. If you are moving house, picking furniture is even more important. People need to consider matching their furniture to the house itself. If it’s a luxury home, then luxury furniture will be essential. One of my friends recently moved into a luxury home. She got in contact with The Ivan Sher Group, who sell homes in las vegas, and they were able to help her find her dream home. It’s a gorgeous house and she loves it. She’s currently picking her furniture out and she needs a bit of help. Personally, I am very particular with color and feel and how the entire décor coordinates. If you are as detailed as I am, you understand why choosing home furniture can be a reason for a meltdown if things are not handled well.

Over the years, I have learned to make such changes easier. Here are the top six tips I use when choosing the right furniture for my home, plus a bonus point at the end.

1. Assess your current furniture

Just because I want new furniture, or I’m thinking of remodeling does not mean I should get rid of all the old stuff. Some furniture pieces are too sentimental to let them go. I have always found a way to make them work and you should too. In some way, making proper use of old furniture might still give you the feeling you are looking for if you just coordinate everything or move a piece to a new space.

2. Narrow down on your style

Every person has their preference but very few take the time to narrow it down. While some may be interested in rustic furniture, few others would prefer a modern look. After a couple of hitches, I realized that preferences change and sometimes it gets mixed up in one’s head. To avoid a total disaster, I find it helpful to take a bit of time to narrow down on what I want exactly. Yes, I might love that color, but will it match with the rest of the décor? Where do I need to trade off and where can I get a free pass? Such questions have helped me not to get carried away.

3. Shapes and sizes

Style goes for shapes and sizes as well. Just because my neighbor has a classical-designed sofa making her living room look ecstatic, does not mean the same couch will coordinate well with the rest of my furniture. Size is also a major factor since I never want to either crowd my space or leave an empty feel. Handcrafted pieces are an easy trade-off in this case.

4. Harmonizing colors and materials

I thought color coordination was an easy task until I brought in a seat whose fabric color didn’t seem to collaborate with the rest of the room. Color coordination is not about the furniture alone, one has to consider the wall painting and the flooring type. Such simple details can mess you up if they cause visual interruptions.

5. Is it a functional choice?

Beauty can be attractive but is the piece functional? Will it serve its intended purpose or will you have to replace it for something more functional later? More importantly, will it add to your home’s comfortability? Such questions have made me aim for a balance between feel and function always. Something like chest furniture is going to provide plenty of storage whilst adding to the asthetic in a home.

6. What about the budget?

No matter how much you want something, if you do not have the money you will have to bypass the choice or save the thought for later. Thanks to the DIY movement, you can find ways to refurbish an old furniture piece into something that matches your desire or comes close enough.

Getting something custom made might help save some money. However, this will depend on the design and your particulars. What most people fail to realize is that just because you want a new look does not mean you need to get totally new furniture. You might find a few unique items at the resale store that adds some magic to your home. Of course, if it is new furniture that you want, it might be worth heading to a department store like Macy’s to see what furniture they have. If you’re working with a smaller budget, you could always use some coupons from Raise to get money off the furniture.

Bonus tip: Take it easy

Trust me, you do not want to rush through this process. Whether the furniture is urgent or not, you need to schedule ample time for choosing the right pieces. Else, you will end up buying unwanted ones and do so in bulk.

Realize that this is a coordination experience and you need to be in the right mental place to make the right choices. I avoid being overwhelmed when I am remodeling and often do the decision making when I have the least items on my bucket list. This way, I am fully present, thus avoiding future regrets.

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