Shades of Roofing

Our roof is seen by everyone, so we will need to give it serious thought when it comes to how it will look. We will consider the materials and the shape of the roof when thinking about longevity and our roof’s protection from differing weather conditions, but to have it looking how we want it, we need to factor in the various shades available within the different choices of roofing material. Roofing materials and various other types of construction jobs that require looking into, such as installation or cleaning of the gutter system, might prove essential to your home’s aesthetic. So, while you look at all these aspects, ask yourself questions like ‘How Much Does Gutter Cleaning Cost?‘ or ‘what would be the approximate cost of a roof replacement or repair?’ etc., for a better idea as to your cost estimate.

So, it can be useful when you are contacting a roofing company, such as Red Canyon Roofing, to have in mind just how you want your roof to look visually as well as structurally. They can, of course, help you if you are struggling with ideas. The best roofs, though, are ones that have been planned together between a roofing contractor and their customer.


The most popular shingle shades or colours include dark grey, dark brown, light brown, or black. Your commercial or Residential Roofing contractor can help you to narrow down this choice.

Many householders will match their shingle colour with that of their house siding colour. Here is a guide:

Beige/Tan – Black, blue (dark), brown, or green (dark).

Blue – Black, brown, grey, or white.

Brown – Black, blue, brown (dark or light) charcoal, or green

Grey – Black, grey (dark), blue (dark), green (dark), or white.

Red – Black, brown (dark), green (dark), or grey (dark).

White – Black, brown, green (dark), or grey (dark).


Most of us will think of slate as grey in colour. Blue slate is also available which is a form of aqueous sedimentary rock. It will tend to be crossed over with grey which gives it its blue-grey tone. For those into chemistry, its principal mineral composition is calcium carbonate. Other slate colours include blue-grey, blue-black, black, mottled purple and green, purple, green, and red.

If you do not want your slate to change colour, then go for a non-fading slate as opposed to a fading slate, semi-weather slate, or weathering slate. A non-fading slate will change very little in colour from the time it was first quarried. Any slight changes that occur will be fairly uniform across the roof.

To cater for the U.S. market, slate is produced in Eastern Pennsylvania, Buckingham County, Virginia, the Slate Valley of Vermont and New York, and on the east coast of Newfroundland. Most of Europe’s slate will come from Spain. Brazil is the second-largest producer of slate.


If you would like an orange colour with a clay texture for your roof, then go for Terracotta tiles. They are particularly popular in hot climates. You may have to get in touch with a Denver roofing company or similar ones to fix it for you. These terracotta tiles are also durable and built for longevity. They are resistant to both fire and water, so ideal for roofs that need to withstand the weather and provide safety to the home. You could even use the material on your floor to match. Terracotta is also ideal for areas where a lot of people walk.

Colours are a personal choice, but what roofing material you choose will narrow down your choice. However, as you can see, there are many shades available for the different roofing materials, whether you opt for shingles, individual natural slate tiles, or Terracotta clay tiles.

What is pleasing to one eye may not be as pleasing to another but we are primarily constructing the roof to our design while having the roofing constructor carry out our wishes. If others like what we have together produced then that is a bonus. Particularly if you will be looking to sell your home at some point. It is easy to change your interiors but a roof is there to stay for a considerable number of years. That is if it is made from materials that can stand the weather, the test of time, and that have been fitted by a professional roofing contractor similar to Paramount Roofing Services.

So, look one up, such as the roofing contractor mentioned above, and see what they can do with your roof. If it needs a repair, consider replacing the entire roof with something more visually pleasing that is going to not need repairing so often.

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Foods to Eat on a Keto Diet

The Keto diet is not just about having a no-carb intake, contrary to what others think. It is about reducing carbohydrates and taking more protein and healthier fat foods as a replacement. While others were misinformed on how the keto diet works, resulting in an unhealthy lifestyle, those who got it right were benefitting from a much-improved one. For everyone who wants to try this diet, it is necessary to know the foods that are low in carb and high in fat so that your health would never be put in danger.

Check out the list of healthy foods below to guide you to losing weight more healthily.


Dairy products are made from the milk of mammals which contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Cheese, a food that many have loved, has different types where most of which are keto-friendly because they are high in fats, moderate in protein, but contain very low carbs.

Meat, Poultry, and Seafood

Our most loved and delicious dishes are made of these. They are rich in protein and also contain other nutrients that are essential to our body, like vitamin B12, which cannot be found in plant foods.


Eggs are incredibly versatile. Eggs can be boiled, scrambled, or used as a side dish for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. They are rich in vitamins A, B, and D, especially egg yolks. Eggs are also rich in protein and fats, which can make us stay full longer.


While most of the fruits were not allowed in the keto diet because of their high carbohydrate content, avocado is an exception. Yes, the delicious avocado that we love and enjoy contains low carbohydrates but is rich in healthy fats that make them a must in a keto-diet plan.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of fat, protein, and fiber, making them a healthy choice for a keto dieter’s meal plan. There are different types of nuts and seeds, and although the carbohydrate content varies among them, all of them are still low in carbs. An ounce of nuts and seeds only contain 0-8 grams.


Cauliflower is a delicious and versatile type of vegetable that can be an excellent alternative to grains and other starchy vegetables. For example, a cup of cauliflower only contains 5 grams of carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Cauliflower is also a great fiber source that normalizes bowel movements, lowers cholesterol levels, and controls blood sugar. Plus, it is high in the water that is believed to contribute to weight loss.

Olive and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can be used as an energy source, while olive oil contains no carbs and gives essential health benefits. Both are also rich in healthy fat.


Although most fruits are off-limits on a keto diet, berries are included in the list of fruits we can eat because they are low in carbs but high in fiber. They are also rich in antioxidants that protect against diseases, so it is safe to eat berries.


Coffee contains caffeine which increases metabolism and results in weight loss. Eight ounces of coffee has 2 grams of calories and zero carbs. So, as a coffee lover who is switching to a keto diet, you need not cancel your monthly coffee subscription, if you have one (if you don’t, you can check out some options for the same from Iron & Fire or similar companies online), as there is nothing to worry about.

However, putting milk and sugar in a cup of coffee is not advisable. To those who do not drink black coffee, I suggest putting coconut oil and butter instead. It incredibly adds an addicting flavor, taste, and aroma you cannot resist. You could also try hawaiian coffee for a change from your usual routine.


Well, who would hate bacon? Bacon is a popular food for a reason. Believe it or not, it does not contain carbohydrates nor sugar at all. It is packed with fats making it on our list. So, do not be afraid to eat bacon while on a keto diet.

I hope this list of keto-friendly foods guides you while you are on a transition. However, before embarking on this type of diet plan, it is advisable to consult your doctor first to avoid putting your health at risk. Your safety, health, and convenience should always be your top priority! Also, enjoy the process whatever happens. Remember that failure is always part of the process!

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